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Become an active supporter of soil life healing and biodiversity conservation in our regions.
Our goal :
produce more living compost
for more living soil
For more
naturally fertilised soil
Thanks to living compost, we offer an alternative to farming without pesticides and chemical fertilisers.
For more happy market gardeners
Living compost for vegetables that are richer in nutrients, more resistant to disease and less expensive to produce.
For greater biodiversity
Our living compost is a niche for micro-organisms, a food source for macro-fauna, fungi, insects, birds...
in other words, all living fauna.
Our mission:
To restore the health of the soil in our regions.
by producing living compost,
rich in living micro-organisms, that regenerates
soil micro fauna,
soil fertility
and biodiversity.
Already 2 tons of living compost produced and
7 farms undergoing soil regeneration
About us
Dr Sophia Bloch
Soil Microbiologist
Compost expert
Marc Derelle
Soil laboratory analyst
Compost expert
Take an active part in
healing soil life
Your support will fund our composting equipment to achieve our mission of healing soils in the region
A compost turner
to facilitate the work of our volunteers
to reach the goal of producing 40 tons of living compost per year
18000 Eur
A tractor to pull it
15000 Eur
A compost tea brewer
This is a system for spreading our compost in liquid form (like "tea"!), rich in living micro-organisms, enabling us to spread compost over larger agricultural areas.
4000 Eur
Partagez ce projet
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